Philosophy is Working out the right way to think about things. (Rather than best) It is a way to stepping back and working right way of thinking about things. It is an activity. Philosophy is learning specific tools and techniques to reason, argue and express yourself. All subjects, not just philosophy, try and think about things in right way. For examples:
While doing physics, we investigate physical reality construction experiments, measuring and formulating theories.
Event Information, Location - Rosehill Gardens, NSW, Australia, Time: 10th of December, 2019 at 2pm
I am very happy to announce that i have now graduated in Master of Information Technology from Charles Sturt University Australia after i had graduated in Bachelor of Software Engineering in 2017.
Charles Sturt University Graduation Ceremony, 10th of December, 2019
We have also captured the video of hat throwing.
See Video on YouTube
About Graduation Day: I woke up, shaved, had my hair cut and had a bath.
This is a quick note from the lesson of this book for my further reference.
“The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time.” Go to School, get a job, save money, get out of debt and invest for the long-term in the stock market is obsolete advise". because “Viruses can erase customer accounts without trace. Used offensively, these 3.viruses can create and uncontrolled flood of sell orders on widely held stocks such as Apple or Amazon.
A young girl getting pregnant for the first time, doctor asks her “Are you ready to be a mother?”, she touch her belly and stands silent.
A young teenager soldier going to the war for the first time, sergant asks him “Are you ready to die for the country?” looking at his mother’s eye, he stands still.
A last bencher student who have not touched the book even one time having final exams tomorrow, teacher knowingly asks him “Are you ready for the exams tomorrow?
Hello guys!
It’s been so long that i haven’t posted in this blog. I have posted just one post in this year 2018. In this year a lot of good things happened to me.
I came to Australia in February 15, 2018 for studying Masters in Information Technology at Charles Sturt University in Sydney. At the time of writing this post, i just completed my two semesters and i am now on summer break which ends in March 4, 2019.
Today the wind blows in my room through my window making sound with my curtains forced me to write something on itself.
चन्द्रको उज्यालोको सितलता बुझ्न सके
उढेर चन्द्रमा छुन किन पर्थ्यो र?
हावाको झोकाको इस्पर्स बुझ्न सके
बियोग को पिडामा तिमिलाइ सम्झी रातभर छटपत्याउन किन पर्थ्यो र?
गज्रिदै बगेको खोलाको चट्टानको र चत्याङ्ग पर्दा को पहाडको मौनता बुझ्न सके
शान्ति खोज्दै एकान्तमा बस्न किन पर्थ्यो र?
ब्याचलर भ्याएको लगभग १ वर्ष बितिसकेको थियो, म केहि काम परेर फेरी आफुले पढेको कलेज गएको थिए| म तेहा पुगेपछि आफुलाई पडाएको गुरु देखे र नमस्कार गरे| अनि उहाले के गर्दै छौ, के कस्तो छ भन्नु भयो| कुरा चल्दै गयो र पछि उहाले मलाई सोध्नुभयो बाबु तिम्लाई के को दुखः छ र? मैले उहालाई सोधे “किन र सर? तेस्तो त केहि छैन”|
यो प्रश्न मलाई चिन्तित देखेर अथवा कुनै कारण ले सोधिएको थिएन| म एस प्रश्नले खासै चकित पनि थिइन किनकि मैले अद्यात्म तिर लागेर फसेबूकमा ध्यान गरेको, तेस्तै कार्यक्रममा सहभागी भएको र अद्यात्म सम्बन्धित पोस्टहरु गरेको देखेर मलाई हिजो आज धेरै ले एस्तो खाल्को कुरा भन्नु हुन्न्छ, मलाई बडो अचम्म लाग्छ|
(सेतोपाती मा प्रकाशित) प्रकाशित मिति: मङ्गलबार, मंसिर १२, २०७४ ०९:२१:१२
मंसिर महिनाको ८ गतेको दिन थियो, दिन भर ल्यापटपमा काम गरे पछि बेलुका ५ बजे तिर सरिर तन्काउन पर्यो भनेर म होस्टेल बाट निस्किए| म पुतलीसडक बाट बागबजार हुदै घण्टा घर भएर जादै थिए, बाटोमा माछापुछ्रे बैंकको ATM देखे | तेस पछि मैले होस्टेलमा तिर्ने पैसा निकाल्ने निर्णय गरे|
त्यो बेलामा होस्टेल मा महिनाको ११ हजार रुपैया तिर्नु पर्ने थियो| आम्दानी खासै न भएकोले गर्दा यो धेरै ठुलो रकम थियो, तेस माथिपनि आफैले दुख गरेर कमाएको पैसा ATM बाट स्वात्तै घटेको देख्दा मन चसक्क हुदो रहेछ|
The time flows like a river, it is certain that it won’t wait and we can not travel back in time. The yesterday is history so we can not change it. In spite of not being able to change the history, we should analyze it and learn from it piece by piece. Today, me running at the age of 25 i feel that i have missed many opportunities because of not taking a simple step that would require for the great beginning.
It is certain that you usually do have trouble going into sleep after you lie down on bed. This is true for a lots of people these days, may he or she be student, housewife, lecturer, job holder and most of all software developer like me. These days i heard from a lots of people that they are having trouble sleeping even after they lie down in the bed for a long time, that is even couple of hour some times.