Are you ready for 2019?
A young girl getting pregnant for the first time, doctor asks her “Are you ready to be a mother?”, she touch her belly and stands silent.
A young girl getting pregnant for the first time, doctor asks her “Are you ready to be a mother?”, she touch her belly and stands silent.
Hello guys!
It’s been so long that i haven’t posted in this blog. I have posted just one post in this year 2018. In this year a lot of good things happened to me.
Post Series: Part 1: Hello world and Basic Data Types
Part 2: Array, Collection and Range
Part 3: Control Flow
Part 4: Function
Part 5: Class
Post Series:
Part 1: Hello world and Basic Data Types
Part 2: Array, Collection and Range
Part 3: Control Flow
Part 4: Function
Part 5: Class
Post Series:
Part 1: Hello world and Basic Data Types
Part 2: Array, Collection and Range
Part 3: Control Flow
Part 4: Function
Part 5: Class
In this post we will discuss about the Array, Collection and Range in Kotlin.
Post Series:
Part 1: Hello world and Basic Data Types
Part 2: Array, Collection and Range
Part 3: Control Flow
Part 4: Function
Part 5: Class
Today the wind blows in my room through my window making sound with my curtains forced me to write something on itself.
Python Developer’s Meetup Nepal #13 Question Solution
Q: Write a python script that recursively walks all sub-directories and searches all files with extension *.png or *.PNG and append them to the list.
ब्याचलर भ्याएको लगभग १ वर्ष बितिसकेको थियो, म केहि काम परेर फेरी आफुले पढेको कलेज गएको थिए| म तेहा पुगेपछि आफुलाई पडाएको गुरु देखे र नमस्कार गरे| अनि उहाले के गर्दै छौ, के कस्तो छ भन्नु भयो| कुरा चल्दै गयो र पछि उहाले मलाई सोध्नुभयो बाबु तिम्लाई के को दुखः छ र? मैले उहालाई सोधे “किन र सर? तेस्तो त केहि छैन”|
(सेतोपाती मा प्रकाशित) प्रकाशित मिति: मङ्गलबार, मंसिर १२, २०७४ ०९:२१:१२
मंसिर महिनाको ८ गतेको दिन थियो, दिन भर ल्यापटपमा काम गरे पछि बेलुका ५ बजे तिर सरिर तन्काउन पर्यो भनेर म होस्टेल बाट निस्किए| म पुतलीसडक बाट बागबजार हुदै घण्टा घर भएर जादै थिए, बाटोमा माछापुछ्रे बैंकको ATM देखे | तेस पछि मैले होस्टेलमा तिर्ने पैसा निकाल्ने निर्णय गरे|