I started my blog “hellocoding.wordpress.com” in 2013. WordPress.com provides the basic functionality of posting the post for free. It does not give the way to embed JavaScript and does not offer much control over your blog.
After a few years of blogging in WordPress.com, I realised that I want more control over my site so that I can improve my SEO, make a page redirection and make my site how I want in every possible way.
When we type google.com in our browser, we see the google home page. We are unaware of the back scene about how the each layer of the protocol works. In this post i will describe, how each of the protocol layer works.
First of all let’s see what are the layers involved in OSI and TCP/IP protocols.
Layers and their functions of OSI model Layer Task At Layer Application Layer Web browser that the user interacts with.
During my beginners year of writing code, i used to comment unnecessarily. I realised this after i saw the code written by senior developers. The main purpose of the comment is to make your code understood by other developers who are working together in the same project or for other contributors.
Let us take an example of the silly code:
<?php // Assigning the value to firstNumber firstNumber = 9 // Assigning the value to secondNumber secondNumber = 12 // Creating variable to store the sum of firstNumber and secondNumber sumOfNumbers = 0; // Adding both firstNumber and secondNumber and storing it to sumOfNumbers sumOfNumbers = firstNumber + secondNumber // Displaying the result echo sumOfNumbers; ?
Composer is the easiest way to manage dependencies to your small to large PHP projects.
Use the following commands to install composer in your Mac
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php Now the composer is installed in your current directory.
Now, you can access it using the following command
php composer.phar [command] It works but you don’t always want to use this directory path to access the composer, So in the next step we will make it accessible globally.
Most of the time beginners learning PHP are unaware of Composer, if you are among them, Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP.
Let’s take a simple example, rather than using include command in each of the PHP file, composer makes it easy by specifying that file as a dependency. Another example would be if you use some library then it makes easier to use and update it with a single command.
Philosophy is Working out the right way to think about things. (Rather than best) It is a way to stepping back and working right way of thinking about things. It is an activity. Philosophy is learning specific tools and techniques to reason, argue and express yourself. All subjects, not just philosophy, try and think about things in right way. For examples:
While doing physics, we investigate physical reality construction experiments, measuring and formulating theories.
Event Information, Location - Rosehill Gardens, NSW, Australia, Time: 10th of December, 2019 at 2pm
I am very happy to announce that i have now graduated in Master of Information Technology from Charles Sturt University Australia after i had graduated in Bachelor of Software Engineering in 2017.
Charles Sturt University Graduation Ceremony, 10th of December, 2019
We have also captured the video of hat throwing.
See Video on YouTube
About Graduation Day: I woke up, shaved, had my hair cut and had a bath.
This is a quick note from the lesson of this book for my further reference.
“The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time.” Go to School, get a job, save money, get out of debt and invest for the long-term in the stock market is obsolete advise". because “Viruses can erase customer accounts without trace. Used offensively, these 3.viruses can create and uncontrolled flood of sell orders on widely held stocks such as Apple or Amazon.
Post Series:
Part 1: Hello world and Basic Data Types
Part 2: Array, Collection and Range
Part 3: Control Flow
Part 4: Function
Part 5: Class
Although Kotlin is statically typed language, it supports object-oriented programming like Java. Before explaining further let us dive into the basic syntax of the Kotlin class.
class Vehicle { // class definition // class body } So, defining a basic class is as simple as this and similar to Java.
A young girl getting pregnant for the first time, doctor asks her “Are you ready to be a mother?”, she touch her belly and stands silent.
A young teenager soldier going to the war for the first time, sergant asks him “Are you ready to die for the country?” looking at his mother’s eye, he stands still.
A last bencher student who have not touched the book even one time having final exams tomorrow, teacher knowingly asks him “Are you ready for the exams tomorrow?