Recently i was having multiple issues with google play games plugin integration in Unity. It was not working at all. After spending the couple of hours in it, i was able to fix the issue. This is a note to myself as well for others who are having trouble with the integration.
I was using Admob plugin along with Google Play Games plugin. In the process of fixing the error i got different kinds of error.
Code snippet to start the animation at different time. Useful when there are many same animation running on screen and you want to make them random.
Animator anim = GetComponent<Animator> (); AnimatorStateInfo state = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0); anim.Play (state.fullPathHash, -1, Random.Range(0f,1f)); You can add this code in Start or Awake function and add to the GameObject with the Animator component.
Today i was working on a project where i required to add the invisible button. I tried different methods like making button transparent, adding the image in the button. But then i came to know about this solution. I think that this is probably the best solution.
Steps to add invisible button in Unity3D 1. Add the Button. (UI -> Button)
2. Edit the height and width of the button according to your fit.
Jhandi Munda is a gambling game played mostly in South Asian countries including Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. It is also known with a different name in different regions such as “Langur Burja”, “Jhanda Burja” and “Khor Khore” or “Khod khode”. I have developed a Mobile game based on this.
Jhandi Munda is mostly played during Hindu’s big festivals like Dussehra(Dashain) and Deepawali(Tihar). We have 6 dices with 6 faces in each die.