
म, अद्यात्म र मेरो समाज

Sudeep Acharya
ब्याचलर भ्याएको लगभग १ वर्ष बितिसकेको थियो, म केहि काम परेर फेरी आफुले पढेको कलेज गएको थिए| म तेहा पुगेपछि आफुलाई पडाएको गुरु देखे र नमस्कार गरे| अनि उहाले के गर्दै छौ, के कस्तो छ भन्नु भयो| कुरा चल्दै गयो र पछि उहाले मलाई सोध्नुभयो बाबु तिम्लाई के को दुखः छ र? मैले उहालाई सोधे “किन र सर? तेस्तो त केहि छैन”| यो प्रश्न मलाई चिन्तित देखेर अथवा कुनै कारण ले सोधिएको थिएन| म एस प्रश्नले खासै चकित पनि थिइन किनकि मैले अद्यात्म तिर लागेर फसेबूकमा ध्यान गरेको, तेस्तै कार्यक्रममा सहभागी भएको र अद्यात्म सम्बन्धित पोस्टहरु गरेको देखेर मलाई हिजो आज धेरै ले एस्तो खाल्को कुरा भन्नु हुन्न्छ, मलाई बडो अचम्म लाग्छ|

Counting your breath to deal with Insomnia

Sudeep Acharya
It is certain that you usually do have trouble going into sleep after you lie down on bed. This is true for a lots of people these days, may he or she be student, housewife, lecturer, job holder and most of all software developer like me. These days i heard from a lots of people that they are having trouble sleeping even after they lie down in the bed for a long time, that is even couple of hour some times.

10 days of Vipassana Meditation at Dhamma Pokhara - Before you go

Sudeep Acharya
So finally you are here because you’ve made a decision to take a Vipassana Meditation course at Dhamma Pokhara. That is great, you’ve made one of the best decision in your life. I have taken it from 1st of the April 2017 to 12th by A.T Khadga Karki and it was great, lifetime experience for me. In this post i will share more about Dhamma Pokhara so that it will be easier for you to plan before you go there.